DB 2 Sheets

DB2Sheets vs Trevor.io

Trevor.io is great, I love the query builder, but..

Although it has a "live feed" feature that allows you to import your database data into Google sheets, but it has some limitations, the live feed will only update once per hour, you have to use the IMPORTDATA function to get the data, and you cannot change the schedule for the data updates.

Trevor.io is a great tool, and I have personally used it many times for it's "ad-hoc" data request feature whenever someone on my team has asked me for a "CSV export of the users in a specific region, between two dates"-type things.

But DB2Sheets is cheaper, we are more focused on the task at hand, which is exporting your database into Google Sheets on a recurring schedule, and we have a more generous plans in terms of not having to deal with a credit system, you pay a monthly or yearly flat fee and use the tool as much as you need to.


$75 /month

  • 5,000 credits / mo
  • ~500 "Query Runs"
  • ~25 Queries Running Hourly


Save $66 every month

$9 /month

  • No complicated credit system
  • Unlimited Query runs
  • Unlimited Queries
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